Infinite Guild @ TarrenMill - EU

World of Warcraft => General Discussions => Topic started by: Neron on November 30, 2012, 12:49:47

Title: More 5.1 changes - tips
Post by: Neron on November 30, 2012, 12:49:47
"Mining and Herb spawn rates in Pandaria have been reduced by approximately 50% in patch 5.1, and this is indeed an intended change. These are in addition to the hotfix that was applied in 5.0.5 to lower the spawn rate of Ghost Iron.

In all of these cases, the reduction was prompted because the resources were too abundant, resulting in ore and herbs being undervalued, and also therefore the effort that our herbalists and miners put in to collect each node. We'll be monitoring the situation, though, and should the current rates prove to be too low then we'll make further adjustments as necessary."


"Brawler's Guild invites went up on the BMAH recently, so don't forget to grab yours. If you are hoping to pick one up off of the rare NPCs, you may want to reconsider. So far we have seen ~30,000 kills and a ~2.5% drop rate. Farming it may take a while!

If you want to keep an eye out for the NPCs while questing, you can use NPCScan and do "/npcscan add #### NPC Name", where the numbers are the NPC ID (H: 68319, 68318, 68317 and A: 68322, 68321, 68320). "


"Right, so with 5.1 the game no longer tells you how many bosses are left for the group you're being matched with for Raid Finder (LFR)."  (see the addon in another post that lets you see the LFR progress)