Infinite Guild @ TarrenMill - EU

World of Warcraft => General Discussions => Topic started by: Turanduban on April 15, 2011, 17:32:47

Title: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Turanduban on April 15, 2011, 17:32:47
Since i have an addiction called Achievements and i dont think pugs can overgear "dont stand in the shit" mechanics, i will be organizing an Ulduar 25man run on Saturday and if enough ppl are interested we will sort out what time exactly it will take place.

TO MAKE PPL INTERESTED FOR THIS, I WILL BE PAYING PERSONALLY EACH PERSON TO PARTICIPATE FROM THE BEGINNING TILL THE END OF THE RAID WITH THE AMOUNT OF 2000 GOLD. Now i know its not all that much but paying each 2k with 15 ppl participating will cost me around 30k ish and if i had more i would offer even more.

What achievements will we be doing? (None of it on Hard Mode.)
1. <Cant do that while stunned> Iron Council. 2 ppl stun/interrupting the smallest one of three bosses and killing it 1st.
2.<If looks could kill> Kologarn.3 or 5 (there are contradictory posts but most probably 3) stand at range, rest on melee. Those staying at range need to avoid the beams. Testing keyboard turning skillz.
3.<Getting Cold in Here> Hodir.Avoid getting more then 2 stacks of the debuff. Means either keep jumping after every cast or stay near fire and dont get FlashFreezed ;p
4.<Dont stand in the lightning> Thorim.Simply avoid the lightning the boss does towards a beam in the arena at last phase.
5.<Set up us the bomb> Mimiron. I need the dont get hit by a proximity mine part only, so dont get hit by the mine!
6.<Not so friendly fire> Mimiron. At p3 1 big add needs to be off-tanked and killed by a rocket that the boss does at p4. Raid needs to be close so that the add-tank can take the bot over the rocket landing spot over the duration of 3 secs that will take till the rocket lands.
7.<Shadowdodger> General Vezax. 7 ppl need to be at range for the crash not to happen on melee. Spread and avoid getting hit by the crash.
8.<They're coming out of the walls> Yogg. At the very start all raid stays at the door, 1 person spawns many many adds by touching clouds and the tank that picks the adds at the door counts till there are enough (9 required) and then they are simply aoe'd down within 12 secs.
9.<Supermassive> Algalon. Killing collapsing stars to create black hole's, at least 4 of them. 3 diffrent ppl(preferably dps classes with taunt) taunt 1 living constellation each and kite them to the black hole simultanuesly (10 secs) AND killing the boss afterwards.
10.<Earth,Wind and Fire> VoA. If at that point we have Wintergrasp and the raid dps is enough to get this done.
Clear all trash.
Pull Koralon(Enrage is when the stacks start hurting). Get to 50%
Pull Emalon(6min enrage) get to 50%. Adds must die always
Pull Archavon(5min enrage) get to 50%
All stack. Get all to 20%. Lust Nuke all down or something similar.

To conclude, the above achievements apart from maybe the VoA one, arent nowhere near hard and should not take more then a couple of attempts to achieve them all unless something bugs out. We WILL wipe if the addon i am going to use spams it as failed.

If you are interested in this either post here the name of your toon and spec or mail/wisper me ingame so i can add you to the calender event .Thanks for your time and i hope you can help out on this and get the small award of 2k. Post if you are interested and if you can make it for Saturday.
Needed: 1 Tank, 2 healers, 7+ dps

Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Mikazuki on April 15, 2011, 18:15:53
I might be interested ;p
Proud owner of Mimirons head

Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Turanduban on April 15, 2011, 18:23:05
adding u to the calender inv list
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Turanduban on April 16, 2011, 00:02:40
whoever else is interested either find me in-game or tomorrow at 2.45 at noon be online. I would like to get this started at 3.
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Zenas on April 16, 2011, 02:44:59
At first I was thinking to join you on this venture, as my warrior doesn't even have all bosses killed(Used to raid on lock in Ulduar). But then I noticed you intend to start this at 3, mind me asking, why not start this start of evening?
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Turanduban on April 16, 2011, 13:00:01
because some ppl want to go out in the evening or there are alt raids organized to start at 7.
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Mikazuki on April 16, 2011, 14:27:40
Bump xD
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Zenas on April 16, 2011, 14:46:43
In that case, do you expect to clear all of Ulduar within a max of 4 hours? Including achievement and the necessary wipes? Wait time between tries, etc?

I'll be honest, even at 85, this sounds a little short. Normal clear, sure, but with all the achievements? Little tight.
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Turanduban on April 16, 2011, 15:36:02
we arent gonna stay there 4 hours lol. If its more then 2-3 hours it means there is alot of fail. I am hoping to clear it in 2-2.30 hours if i got 10 decent ppl that can avoid crappy mechanics, srsly we are lvl 85 with 365+ ilvl for a normal mode content of 80.
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Zenas on April 16, 2011, 18:45:23
Yes, exactly. As I said, clear the place in that time, sure, easy. But also do achievements? Remember what you said about wipe if achievement fails, this will take fair bit of time.

Anyway, how did it go?
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Turanduban on April 16, 2011, 19:57:03
Thx to all the ppl for helping out. Everyone left 2.5k richer even though i promised only 2. Raid was huge success and we only failed the Kologarn beam when boss was at 2% and died to dots.
Will be making a 20 min raid for this one next saturday so if ur interested find me ingame.
Title: Re: Ulduar 25man achievement run on Saturday with a small cash reward
Post by: Mjauo on April 17, 2011, 17:14:08
I would be up for helping you with that next Saturday^^

- Meow meow, Mjauo