Second victim this week. Hydross the Unstable is vaporized.

Started by mOOwalker, November 21, 2007, 01:40:23

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Hydross the Unstable felt the power of <Infinite> and decide to leave his mortal plane on our 2nd try. Congratulations to all that were in the raid or helped for this raid to happen.

[item]Wraps of Purification[/item] looted by Negaman
[item]Band of Vile Aggression[/item] looted by Kinsaviour
[item]Scarab of Displacement[/item] looted by Ifelixl


        "The death of a lover, the anger of a lord, a wish for peace..."
        "As each of these thoughts is kept to itself, fate begins to move."
        "With every second, the war draws nearer."


Big gz guys! Infinite is on a roll!! Imba!

Now Leo left before Vashj huh? Well Leo should not be so much of a problem for you guys! Go go Infinite!
From the Halls of Valhalla the Goddess of Hunt and Winter has descended upon Azeroth to smite down the Alliance


no gz 2 the ppl who wiped the on hydros the day be4??? :'(



My fraps bugged T_T I don't know what it was that went wrong :S
But big GZ to us
<br /> <br />This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it!<br /> - John Adams<br />Sience flies you to the Moon. Religion flies you into buildings.<br /> - Unknown<br />There is no God, only your imagination.<br /> - Fredrik Degerman (2009)



not to brag or anything...
but this was way to easy  ;D
was on like 40% mana.. and was 1st on healing list and no mana pots used
and no deaths before last phase shift which we rushed into  8)



AMAZING STUFF HERE !! christ this is incredibel - and yet .... no it isnt - you guys can go much further...... fast..... as it seems there are ppl willing to raid / whipe and KILL  !!

Gogo guys - you have the wind from behind !! Big gratz from a sleeping troll.


Really well done guys! Im watching your progress in ave :)