Hello Infinite

Started by Drcross, October 30, 2012, 11:24:46

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Now that i got acces to this parts of forums i can tell u all hello on forums also.
Ty for taking me along and hope this will be my home for very long time :P

My name is Christian, I`m from Romania, got 33 years old (almost :P) am married and got 2 sweet daughters. I work as a dentist/implantology practicion in my own practice which i love most of times but i hate raid wise since sometimes the unexpected can happen and i must stay longer with that patient and so be late ( don`t happen to often :P).


Welcome Christian. Hope you enjoy your time with us. Now you need to figure out the best way to tank Gara without one-shotting voodoo dolls :)


Hello there  8) Ty for introducing and hope u will find your place in Infinite community  ;D

Btw , ur name rings a bell. Are u on Sylvanas from old days ?

I am Paladin - Zigipaladin ;D !



Welcome Christian, I wish you to have a nice and long staying!
- Are you sure you didn't want us to go to that glamorous party, honey?
- I prefer our little party here in bed where the dress code is simpler and I know the steps.

From "Firefly"